September 10, 2015

Calvin McCarty Autograph Session

Dale MacMillan


Eskimos fullback Calvin McCarty will be at Eskimos Team Store at Commonwealth Stadium tomorrow Friday, September 11, to celebrate the release of his New Era Player Inspired cap and toque. 

Get over here from 3-5 p.m. to meet McCarty, get his autograph, and see how good you look in the cap he personally designed.

The design boldly reps the EE logo on the front with Calvin’s stylized number 31 on the underside of the flat brim. The top brim is adorned with tiny skulls – one word: B.O.N.E. (get it?)

The toque is “hot fire” (as the kids say) with a gold EE and alternating mini footballs and skulls.

In addition to your new head gear, McCarty will sign your jersey, posters, T-shirts and take photos.

Wear your new head gear to Saturday’s Park and Party and first-ever Eskimos Fan March. See you soon.