September 22, 2014

Esks Get Set To Tackle Hunger

Purolator and the Edmonton Eskimos are teaming up once again to tackle hunger.

On Friday September 26 when the Eskimos battle the Roughriders, fans are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items or a cash donation to stations set up outside the Commonwealth Stadium gates. In return you’ll get your photo taken with the Grey Cup – Instagram gold!

“We’re in our 12th year doing this league wide and we’re really looking forward to going back to Edmonton. Their fans are some of the best in the league when it comes to supporting this cause,” says Callie Scott, sponsorship specialist for Purolator.

It’s pretty amazing how CFL fans across the country have attached themselves to this program. It’s grown every year.”

The program, which began in 2003 has raised over 6.5-million pounds of food for each CFL team’s local food bank with over 775,000 pounds of that coming directly from Edmonton.

As part of the program, every time a quarterback gets sacked this season, Purolator will donate the equivalent in the quarterback’s weight in food to the local food bank.

With Edmonton earning 40 sacks through Week 13, the QB sack tally is currently set at 12,000 pounds of food and counting.

The program generated 1,019,336 pounds of food in 2012 and 1,149,029 pounds of food last year. This year, the goal is to exceed 1.2-million pounds of food.

“With Hamilton donating over 317,000 pounds in their game on September 1 and Calgary hitting 258,000 pounds, it’s pushed us to over 1.1 million pounds already this year. It’s amazing,” says Scott.

“There are big rivalries between teams and their fans, but when it comes to the Purolator Tackle Hunger game, fans of any team come out and show support. At the end of the day it’s all about supporting the local communities and our fans will show support to the rival teams.”

Donation stations will be set up at several gates around the stadium. Fans looking to get their picture taken with the Grey Cup can head to Gate 10 alongside Stadium Road near Coors Light FanFest.

“This has become a game that many families go to because they want to see the Grey Cup. These families have had their child grow up with the Grey Cup. It’s like a different kind of school photo for the fans,” says Scott.