June 8, 2011

5 things you don’t know about training camp

June 8, 2011

Edmonton Eskimos
Rose Mary Phillip

Eskimo fans are in the know. Many are just as familiar with the depth chart as any coach and can rattle off team stats without the slightest hesitation. But, there are a few bits of little-known information that may surprise you.
Drum roll, please.

Did you know … Mathieu Bertand and Corbin Sharun are respectively the oldest and youngest players at camp at 33-years-old and 22-years-old.
In the 11 years between them, the green and gold brought home six Grey Cup wins (’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82 and ’87) and were eight-time western champions.

That time also accounts for the death of bell bottom pants, Star Search and “bodacious” catch phrases like “What you talkin’ ‘bout Willis?!” That was way back when music channels actually played music.  But, I digress.
Bonus Material: The year Bertrand was born, 1977, Hugh Campbell was named the ninth head coach of the Edmonton Eskimos and former linebacker Danny Kepley won the Schenley Award as the CFL’s top defensive player.
In the 1988, the year Sharun was born, former defensive lineman John LaGrone was named to the Edmonton Eskimo Wall of Honour at Commonwealth Stadium. 

Did you know … Training camp includes over 200 hours of practice, meetings, pre-season games, etc. in just 25 days. That’s more time than it takes to become a helicopter pilot.

While we’re talking numbers, let’s mention 11 and one.

Eleven is for June 11 – Fan Day at Commonwealth Stadium, which coincidently starts at 11 a.m.  Be there.

One is for 1 p.m. a.k.a. the autograph session. With so many new players, you’ll need to update your signature collection. Bring your jerseys, under armour, miscellaneous Esks gear and even your spray-painted hard hats (that means you Section O) and meet your team.

Bonus Material: While rookies try to earn a starting position and vets prove they should keep theirs, the team will eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together; orient themselves to league and team rules; meet alumni; attend treatment; tape injuries; review film and do whatever else it takes to earn a spot on the roster.

Oh, and rookie imports also have the luxury of adapting to a wider field, fewer downs and erratic weather. Welcome to Canada.

Did you know … the birth places of players competing at camp stretch much farther than the 49th parallel. They range from right here in the City of Champions for Gord Hinse to as far away as Warsaw Poland for Greg Wojt, Leon, Nicaragua for Hugo Lopez and Augsburg, Germany for Dee Sterling.

Others come from places with fun names, like Ricky Ray’s home town Happy Camp, California.



Did you know … Mascots Punter and Nanook are not exempt from training camp. They can’t go full tilt defending home turf without first proving they deserve a place in the Eskimo Empire.

Punter (import) needs to maintain his agile 15 PSI figure and show that he did not find the 76 pounds Patrick Kabongo lost during off season.
As a 14-year vet, Nanook (non-import) must exhibit the stamina of a cub half his age.

Bottom line: both earn their place on roster just like everyone else. After all, a certain NHL mascot from Atlanta is in need of a job. #Justsaying.

Did you know … esks.com is your go-to destination during camp and all season long. Check it daily for post-practice comments, training camp notes, depth charts, exclusive video and other goodies that only the Eskimos can get first.

Add esks.com to your daily web surfing; Right next to email, the Halo 4 trailer and checking Facebook 856 times per hour (no judgment).

While there, join the official fan page or follow the Twitter time line. Both have exclusive content. For instance, if you don’t follow @Cfl_Esks you probably didn’t see the team’s potential new slogan tattooed on Running Back Coach Dennis McKnight’s leg.


And one more for good measure:

Eskimo pre-season action begins on June 17th in Regina. Watch it on TSN at 7 p.m. That’s channel 20 if you have Shaw Television or channel 109 if you have Telus TV. If you have neither, press the guide button on your remote control.  That’s what it’s for.