March 18, 2011

Let the practices begin!

March 18, 2011

Edmonton Eskimos
Corielle’s Blog – Eskimo Cheer Team

In only a few short days so much has happened for the 2011 Edmonton Eskimo Cheer Team! Tryouts this year were hugely successful with many very talented dancers remaining for the final audition at City Centre Mall. Since no spot is ever guaranteed on the team, both veterans and rookies audition side by side and, as a returning veteran this year, I felt just as nervous as my rookie year! The time between my interview and the final audition seemed to fly by and before I knew it thirty other girls and I were lining up to get ready to perform for final cuts. After dancing once the judges shortened the list of hopefuls and it was time to perform the routine one last time. In the back room the energy level stayed high as we practiced together and got ready to hit the stage. Watching from the sidelines was both exciting and nerve-racking for me, as all of the remaining dancers were immensely talented. Then after waiting (for what seemed like forever) the judges brought down the final list of names for the Eskimo Cheer Team. As a kind of superstition I check for my number after everyone has already looked.  When I found my number on the list I was relieved and excited!

Our first meeting was blur of excitement as all veterans and rookies from both the Dance Team and the Stunt Team all came together for the first time to listen to an overview of what our team had in store. Everyone was so happy to be there and the smiles and eager attitudes carried right on to practice the following Monday. Everyone met at Perfect Storm Athletics Gym, our cheer-home for the season, and hit the ground running by trying on uniforms, scheduling photo shoots, and looking through our calendar of events for the year. After fitting everyone in the signature green and gold we spent the rest of the practice getting to know each other and bonding as a team thru a variety of exercises and activities directed by coach Dianne Greenough; and by the end of the night we were already starting to come together as the new 2011 Eskimo Cheer family.

Our team this year is filled with many new, enthusiastic athletes. I would like to thank all of the alumni who took the time to help with tryouts and continually provide support to the team. I look forward to enjoying the season with the 2011 Eskimo Cheer Team ….. we are off to a great start!